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Lady of the Slain Týr Ringtones
Lady of the Slain Týr Ringtones

Lady of the Slain Týr Ringtones

Lady of the Slain Týr Ringtones by Free-ringtone-downloads.org ; one of most sought after ringtones provider.


Lady of the Slain Týr Ringtones – Additional Info :

  • [artist]
  • Album : Valkyrja
  • Album Release date : 16 September 2013
  • Genre(s) : Viking metal, folk metal, power metal
  • Label : Metal Blade Records Inc
  • Producer : Jacob Hansen
  • [format]

  • Lyric to the Song

    Wanton wager
    On a war torn way
    Take my treasure
    For another day

    Fettered felines and a battle swine
    Feast like there’s no future now, showing no restraint
    Mead and mayhem, golden drink divine
    Let me in your heathen hall, lady of the slain

    Tears of red gold she cries
    Tales have her realm far beyond the skies
    And if a battle was your demise
    May come the night when you see she cries
    Tears of red gold

    Pain and pleasure
    My reality
    Life of leisure
    Or a fantasy

    Burning beauty hung above her breast
    Moments in her company, high and holy pain
    Flaming fairness, I will find no rest
    Until I have reached your hall, lady of the slain

    Tears of red gold she cries
    Tales have her realm far beyond the skies
    And if a battle was your demise
    May come the night when you see she cries
    Tears of red gold

    * Lyric is meant for educational purpose only.