Álvur Kongur Týr Ringtones
Álvur Kongur Týr Ringtones by Free-ringtone-downloads.org ; one of most sought after ringtones provider.
Álvur Kongur Týr Ringtones – Additional Info :
- “Hel” is the eighth studio album by the Faroese folk metal band Týr, which was published on March 8, 2019, by Metal Blade Records. A song called “Fire and Flame” was released on 10 January 2019 as a free download by the group. It was featured in the album two months later.
Lyric to the Song
Gevið ljóð og lýðið
Meðan eg gangi í dans
Tað vóru ikki frægari saman
Enn Álvur og rekkar hans
Draga teir sínar sjódrekar
Oman úr tøttum neysti
Tá stóð fast í knarrar hæli
Leyp so fram og goysti
Gýltan spora við mín fót eg spenni
So temji eg mínar gangarar
Tann góða lati eg renna
Tað var mín hin fyrsti dreymur
Tá ið eg heiman sigldi
Logi leikar á øllum teim
Ið Álvi kongi fylgdu
Tað var mín hin annar dreymur
Tá ið eg heima var
Allir stoyttust á drekans borð
Og duttu so niður í kav
Gýltan spora við mín fót eg spenni
So temji eg mínar gangarar
Tann góða lati eg renna
Tólv merkur í reyðargulli
Tað skal vera títt
Vilt tú, Óðin, æsa kongur
Loysa høvur mítt?
Tað var reysti Óðin kongur
Stoyttist í jørðina niður
Tær gevi eg nú, Rókurin svarti
Lív og fagran sigur
Gýltan spora við mín fót eg spenni
So temji eg mínar gangarar
Tann góða lati eg renna
[English translation:]
Hark ye
While I go to dance
None were more famed
Than Alvur and his men
They pulled their dragon ships
Down from a windtight boathouse
First it was stuck in the stake
But then it belched forth
I thrust a golden spur with my foot
And I tame my steeds
I let the good one run
It was my first dream
When I sailed from home
The fire blazed on all those
Who followed Alvur king
It was my second dream
When I was home
All tumbled over the dragon’s board
And fell into the deep
I thrust a golden spur with my foot
And I tame my steeds
I let the good one run
Twelve merkur of red gold
Will be yours
If you, Odin king
Will save my life
It was strong Odin king
He plunged into the ground
Now I give you, Rokur the Black
Life and fair victory
I thrust a golden spur with my foot
And I tame my steeds
I let the good one run
* Lyric is meant for educational purpose only.